Erasmus+ Welcome Concert
As part of our Erasmus+ project, from April 22 to 26, IES Algazul hosted two teachers from Kurfürst-Salentin-Gymnasium in Andernach, Germany, and a group of ten students with their teachers from ZSO in Kluczbork, Poland. To welcome them, our music teachers, Luis and Samuel, prepared a concert in which some of our students showcased their musical talent. The concert was presented in English by four of our bilingual 2nd ESO students: Emma, Jade, Raúl, and Víctor. These students wanted to share the slides they used to introduce the performances: Thank you and congratulations on your work! -------------------------------------------------------- En el marco de nuestro proyecto Erasmus+, del 22 al 26 de abril, el IES Algazul acogió a dos profesoras del Kurfürst-Salentin-Gymnasium de Andernach, Alemania, y a un grupo de diez estud...
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