
Showing posts from May, 2024

Noise at Home

In this project carried out in the music class of 1st B, the students had to measure the decibel levels in each room of their house. After doing so, they mapped it out on a floor plan of their house. The colors indicate the differences in decibel levels in each room. This is the noise level in our students' homes: Great job! ------------- En este proyecto llevado a cabo en la asignatura de música en 1ºB, el alumnado tuvo que medir los decibelios en cada una de las estancias de su casa. Después de hacerlo, lo plasmaron en un plano de su casa. Los colores marcan la diferencia de decibelios en cada estancia. Este es el ruido que hay en casa de nuestros alumnos y alumnas:

Erasmus+ Welcome Concert

As part of our Erasmus+ project, from April 22 to 26, IES Algazul hosted two teachers from Kurfürst-Salentin-Gymnasium in Andernach, Germany, and a group of ten students with their teachers from ZSO in Kluczbork, Poland. To welcome them, our music teachers, Luis and Samuel, prepared a concert in which some of our students showcased their musical talent. The concert was presented in English by four of our bilingual 2nd ESO students: Emma, Jade, Raúl, and Víctor. These students wanted to share the slides they used to introduce the performances: Thank you and congratulations on your work! -------------------------------------------------------- En el marco de nuestro proyecto Erasmus+, del 22 al 26 de abril, el IES Algazul acogió a dos profesoras del Kurfürst-Salentin-Gymnasium de Andernach, Alemania, y a un grupo de diez estud...