Desayuno literario Club de lectura bilingüe
On Tuesday, February 13th, our Bilingual Reading Club met for the first time to discuss the first reading selected at our beloved library. In the week of love, this reading could not be other than the first volume of the wonderful love story from the comic Heartstopper. In English, of course. Our students shared their impressions and opinions in English, as well as discussing important topics such as affective and sexual diversity, which is also part of our main Erasmus+ objectives. After discussing the book, we enjoyed a delicious and well-deserved breakfast. This first meeting was a complete success and we hope the next one will be too. Stay tuned for the next reading. ---------------------------- El pasado martes 13 de febrero, nuestro club de lectura bilingüe se reunió por primera vez para hablar de la primera lectura escogida en nuestra querida biblioteca. En la semana del amor, esta lectura no podía ser otra que el primer tomo de la maravillosa historia de amor del cómic Heartsto...